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  • melbingern

Going through a slump

Slumps happen, the important part is realizing that slumps have to be temporary to even exist. If slumps were temporary, it would be called quitting. Whether you didn't get enough sleep and your gym session just wasn't what you wanted it to be, or you're having a rough week mentally, so your sessions are shit, it's temporary. You are the only one who is able to pull yourself out. You get to determine how far back a slump will set you.

You're going through a slump, now what? Look at the bigger picture. You have a goal right? So what if you're in a shitty mood. You get to choose whether you feel shitty while working towards that goal, or you feel shitty while not working towards that goal, pick your shitty feeling.

Well, that may have been a little harsh to some. Now I'll talk about what I do when I'm in a slump. I start off by finding out what's causing the slump. This could range from having a bad session the day before to maybe being overwhelmed with work and school. Fixing root causes if you can find any will be a great way to start, and that's what I will typically try to do initially.

I'll finish off by talking about being in a slump due to bad workout sessions. I for one have trouble feeling my back. The other day I spent an hour and a half in the gym, trying to really get a good back workout in, and it just wasn't happening. I felt an hour and a half just nailing my biceps from different angles. My couple training sessions after didn't feel as good as they should have, because I was stuck thinking about how I couldn't train my back as well. Guess what, next back workout I absolutely destroyed. I focused harder, went in with a plan, and tried not to let my past workouts dictate the current one. Point being, don't focus on the bad workouts. Focus on making the next ones count, by any means. Go in with a plan, go in with a confident mindset, and you'll find yourself getting in those slumps a lot less often.

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