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  • melbingern

How big of a part does diet play in achieving a goal physique?

Okay well that's mens physique, Deiu' looks great. Anyway, today I'm writing about how your diet is the major factor in changing what your physique looks like. Don't get me wrong, your training must be on point, just as much as your diet. However, changes in your diet will ultimately determine if you lose weight, or gain weight. Whether this be muscle, or fat, diet is the key factor in changing your weight. I'll start off with an example of myself.

Currently, I weigh 166. Yes, I have some serious work to do, I know. I'm attempting to bulk up for this winter, since I won't be spending much time at the pool or beach. In order to put on weight, I must eat 2800 calories per day, to put me at rougly half a pound of weight gain in 7 days. According to the following source, you must eat 3500 extra calories weekly to gain a pound of weight. (

Im currently eating around 1750 to gain half a pound, to limit fat addition. This excess in calories will allow my body to put on muscle tissue in a more friendly climate, opposed to eating at maintenance calories (what you need to eat for body weight to remain the same) or a deficit in calories (eating less calories than you burn).

What does this mean? It means if you're weight training and eating less calories than you need to maintain your weight, you will lose fat. If you are weight training and eating more calories than you need to maintain your weight, you will put on muscle (assuming you are progressively overloading your lifts, proper water intake, proper rest, etc.) you will build muscle. Just in case your confused, it's a hell of a lot easier to lose fat than it is to build contractile tissue. If you want to learn more about progressive overload, check out my other posts, I disect exactly what is required to implement progressive overload!

That's what I got for today. Later this week I'll be going over another topic!

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