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  • melbingern

Let's get started: why lift weights?

Why do should we lift weights in the first place? Besides getting a skin splitting pump, and attempting to look like a greek god, lifting weights is actually very crucial to ensuring a healthy lifestyle. I'm going to pull the main points from a study by Globalnews. If you have the time to look through it, here's the link For the Rest of you who don't care enough to scroll through all the advertisements, I got you.

The first point we have is the fact that building lean muscle tissue ensures strong healthy bones. Women, even you should be lifting weights, and no, it will not make you bulking. 80% of osteoporisis cases are women! Lifting weights will help fend off this disease as you get older.

Next we have boosting metabolism and encouraging fat loss. Americans, this is for you (I can say that because I'm an American). This study says "Boosts metabolism and fat loss". Truth is, unless you're in a calorie deficit, you're not going to lose fat. HOWEVER, building muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue when it comes to total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). So if you want to be able to eat more and maintain a certain weight, build those muscles.

Improved posture is another point made in the study. Ever see someone and it looks like they can't keep their head up? Probably due to poor trap development. face pulls and other trap builders can combat this poor aestetic. Bulding your delts, chest and back can all aid in better posture, making you not only look better, but feel better as well.

How can we forget confidence. Besides looking absolutely carved, feeling good about your body is important. Having a good relationship with the way you look will carry over in other aspects of your life, and people will notice. Not to mention it's one less thing you don't have to stress about. Smashing a new PR is also most likley the best feeling on the planet.

There you have it. That's a wrap for my first official post.

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