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  • melbingern

Opinion: Low volume, high intensity is the best way to lift

This might be controversial, but this is how I've approached my workouts in the past couple of weeks.

As I started lifting, I always did what everyone else was doing, the 4 X 12, 5 X 10 you always hear about. I saw some progress, but nothing that was ultimately insane. Recently, I've being doing a working set, VERY close to failure on all my lifts. Then, followed by a back off set. For example, on close grip pulldowns, I will rep out 110 for as many reps as I can, maybe one rep shy of failure, followed by a set of 90, for a similar amount of reps, also close to failure. This training method keeps the intensity and demand of my muscles high, with a lot less volume than a lot of other people do. Since I've implemented this training style, I've seen quite a increase in strength, and mass as well. Give it a shot and let me know what you think.

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