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What are SARMs?

Some of you may or may have not heard about what sarms are. Sarms stand for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. Basically, sarms are compounds that bind to your androgen receptors. In other words, their job is to build muscle tissue. Sarms have become an increasingly popular drug used by a lot of younger individuals. Many people have misconceptions about them, and I'm here to give you some information on them. I'm not going to tell you to take them, I'm not going to tell you not to take them. What I am going to tell you is what you can expect from taking them, and why it might not be a good thing to take them. I'm going to be pulling some information from, which I view as a credible source, with content produced from doctors in the field.

Sarms were initally created in order to deal with illnesses. Illnesses such as cancer, muscle wasting diseases, osteoporosis, and others were the reason sarms came into existence. Sarms are not compounds that are legally prescribed by doctors. Sarms have not been FDA approved. Basically, sarms are research chemicals not to be used for human consumption, as many of the online products are marketed this way.

So why do people use sarms instead of steroids? Sarms are much easier to get your hands on. They're available online, opposed to actual steroids. A common misconception in the weightlifting community is that sarms are less harmful than steroids, and sarms don't supress your testosterone as much. This is incorrect. Some sarms such as RAD-140 are harsher on your body compared to some steroids like Anavar. And it's not only testosterone suppression that can theoretically effect you for your whole life. Liver damage, heart damage, gynocomastia, hair loss, acne, are all side effects of taking sarms. Purchasing sarms online comes with a whole new risk however. Take a look at this paragraph from regarding sarms purchased online.

Basically, don't take anything you aren't 100% sure of. And, if you do, try to be as diligent as you can in taking care of yourself.


Melissa A. Burmeister, P. D. T. K. F. (2020, June 18). Recreational use of selective androgen receptor modulators. U.S. Pharmacist – The Leading Journal in Pharmacy. Retrieved September 14, 2021, from

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